In the given section the electrotechnical equipment for cathodic protection against corrosion of underground steel constructions, service designs for installation works, equipment of pipelines inspection are presented.
The basic nomenclature of products is made and maintained at the enterprises of oil & gas branch since 1994. For this time there were achievements and mistakes which created the richest experience in the field of design and manufacture of the given equipment. This experience was fully used at carrying out of complex modernization of the made equipment in 2001. It does not mean, that production had not or has no development. On the contrary, from the beginning of manufacture there was an active development of the equipment, new kinds of production were developed and made. Owing to a feedback with consumers, works on improvement of the serial equipment and its adaptation to modern conditions of operation and requirements of the Customer were made. And now this process is not stopped. Every year we give to our Customers new service and new opportunities of our equipment.
The main principle of our engineers work is designing quality, simply, understandable and accessible technical solutions to complex tasks and problems.If to say short – to make complex simple!